Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Turning of Hearts Because of the Word of God

Sometimes I think that it is difficult to do what is right. It's not necessarily that we do not want to make the right decisions, but sometimes we simply get distracted or forget our priorities for a little bit. I for one often am frustrated with myself because I know that I can do better. Today I read a passage which I have read many times, but have always applied it in the context of *trying to serve and teach others. However, today I realized that it has a great application to promoting righteousness for ourselves. In the verses leading up to this passage, Mormon tells about how the Zoramites had fallen into an apostate state. This apostasy caused Alma "great sorrow" (Alma 31:2). So here is what Alma decided to do:

 "Now as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just --- yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them -- therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God" (Alma 31:5).


How fantastic would it be if we immersed ourselves in the scriptures on a daily basis! I believe that when this happens, the distractions and forgetfulness that often lead to us not having the constant companionship would disappear. If we immerse ourselves in the scriptures daily, then the power of the word has a "powerful effect upon [our] mind[s]." I would suggest that “effect upon our minds” can impact our lives as it did the people of King Benjamin. After he finished speaking, the Spirit came upon them and changed their hearts such that they had "no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually" (Mosiah 5:2).

 In the first post for this blog I wrote of a promise that President Dave Brown made at a stake conference several months ago (here's the link). In that talk, he promised that a daily study of the scriptures would bring great blessings into our lives. Since then as I have recommitted myself to studying (not just reading) the Book of Mormon, I have seen those blessings come into my life. As I have spent my lunch break at work studying I have felt a greater companionship of the Spirit. As I have made the commute home, I have had less of a desire to fill the drive with the daily news or sports talk. I am not saying that those things are sins and that we should not do them. The point I am trying to get across is that I have had a greater desire to spend that half hour listening to a conference talk, praying or just sitting in silence to ponder how I can be a better husband, father and priesthood holder. In other words, my heart has been turned towards God. Alma's observation that the word of God has a "great tendency to lead the people to do that which [is] just" is absolutely true. When we try to fill our lives with the word of God we are happier and more prone to do those things that God would have us do. 

 *This what I usually think about when I read these verses. When we teach the word of God to others, whether it be family members, quorum members, families we home teach, primary classes or to anyone else whom we love, it has a powerful effect on them. It can lead them to make righteous decisions and partake of the full blessings of the gospel. Thus we should make teaching the word (e.g. scriptures, counsel of living prophets, etc...) the primary focus of all of our church service. The most effective meetings that we can have in the church are those where Alma's example is followed. 

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