Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Scattering of the Twelve Tribes
I just finished 1 Nephi 21, which is a prophecy of Isaiah. Nephi begins explaining this prophecy. I found a note in my margin from my mission in Taiwan. This note is related to 1 Nephi 22:4: "There are many who are already lost from the knowledge of those who are at Jerusalem." In my note I write "This time period is just 50 years after the scattering of Israel. 'Lost' in this verse can be taken to mean Lost from the knowedge of the Savior from the Old Testament. China probably didn't have those records." I have often speculated about some of the parallels between ancient Chinese and ancient Jewish customs. I dug around a little bit and found the following. I have thoughts about some of these similarities myself, but these are put together fairly nicely. The source is
Note: These observations are not well formed arguments. I am presenting them here only as observations. They should not be taken as anything but some ideas to provoke further thought. For example, in my thesis, I wrote:
One particular classroom discussion illustrates the difference between simple comparisons and continuities. During this discussion I made the observation that I thought there might be connections between the ancient Jewish Passover custom of smearing lamb’s blood around doorposts and the Chinese New Year custom of hanging writings on red strips of paper on the top and sides of the door. Eric Hutton who was teaching the class commented that we have to be careful in calling such observations “connections.” To illustrate his point he cited the example that just because people of two different regions of the world wear pants does not necessarily mean that their wearing of pants has historical linkages or significance.
I think that this anecdote applies well to the information below. For an interesting discussion on "conscious continuities" vs "connections" see Perry, Elizabeth. Rebels and Revolutionaries in North China, 1845-1945, (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1980), pp. vii.
Okay, now that I have thrown all the academic crap in there, here is what I Googled up. Enjoy!
The lost tribe of Israel - Chinese
We all know that Israel or Jacob, son of Isaac, fathered 12 sons who started the 12 tribes of Israel. Today, Israel as a nation is from the only surviving tribe of Jews or Judah. All others tribes were vanished with history.
But is this truly so? I remember news running for days on television many years ago about the lost tribe of Israel returning to Israel from Ethiopia. Not long later, I recall I saw on television another group of Israel tribe returning home from Russia. I would not believe the report if I had not seen the real people in the news. The Ethiopia Israelis looks just like any black African. Those returned from Russian look more like Caucasian than the Middle East Jews.
Jews has many traditions originated in the Bible they still observe today. They celebrate the pass over to remember God's mercy on the night of the plague on the first born. In the New Testament, Jews hired the wailers in a funeral to moan with commotion and cries. Today, we still see the same loud cries in a funeral to indicate sincere sorrow they feel for the parted one.
Chinese too, has some traditions and practices exactly the same like the Jews. Rich Chinese funerals still hire people to cry in the funeral with the same meaning as it is intended in the Biblical Jews. We may not see this practice much in China mainland due to some culture up rooting during the Cultural Revolution under the Communist reign. But in Taiwan and Hong Kong, hire wailing is a common phenomenon of the rich.
Another Jewish funeral tradition that Chinese still practice is for the children of the deceased to wear sackcloth and use ashes to hold the jot stick. Although not all Chinese will wear sackcloth in a family funeral today due to the effect of the influential western culture, but we can still see many Chinese who keep the old tradition of wearing sackcloth in a funeral. Those who do not wear it would cut a small piece of sackcloth and clip it to the shirt in the funeral and during the mourning period for 3 months.
For a Chinese house, it is auspicious to keep a pair of red paper on the front gate and doors to dispel evil spirit and usher good luck. Red that signifies blood is the most preferred color to all Chinese. In Chinese New Year, red paper must be hang or stick to the front door. A similar custom Jews do from the pass over tradition.
In Chinese New Year, the cake Chinese has is also unleavened bread or the Nien-Gao similar to the unleavened bread Jews has in their Abib or Nisan festive season.
There are many other customs of Chinese and Jews so similar that it can hardly be a coincidence. Jews and Chinese alike will travel the world to return home for the New Year eve family gathering feast. Jews and Chinese too would give up anything in life to enable their children for higher education.
Looking at some Chinese writing will further confirm my belief that Chinese a one of the tribe of Israel. We know that Chinese writing starts from the right and end on the left, Jews too has the way of writing from right to left.
In fact, Chinese character is more to drawing than writing. Every word is drawn from the real object of thing or person. The word sun is a circle with a line in the middle saying the sun is round with light shining in the center. The word person is a straight line down with two small lines under drawn like a man with 2 legs.
The word boat looks more like a picture of a Chinese junk. But for a big boat, it is a drawing of a boat with eight mounts in it. Why the eight mounts in a boat? It is because Noah with his family members of seven who survived the flood in the Ark
Another Chinese word "Come" is a cross with 2 persons hanging on both sides of the cross and people under the cross. Who can the 2 person on the cross be except the two robbers who were crucifies with Jesus one on his right and one on his left. The person under the cross is the one Jesus say to "Come" to me.
The most amazing of the Chinese characters is the word righteousness. It is a picture of a lamb on top of me. No one can be righteous unless he/she is under the grace of Christ Jesus.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Upon the palms of my hands
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Out of Darkness into the Light
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Recently I have been studying 2 Nephi. Jacob is teaching and reading from Isaiah. In chapter 6, Jacob speaks to the people of Nephi and tells them; "for I am desirous for the wellfare of your souls. Yea mine anxiety is great for you;" Jacob must have really loved the people of Nephi. He didnt just care about them. He had a great anxiety for them, he was concened about their wellfare. Do we agonize over the people we serve? Do we really love them, are we concerned about their wellfare. Do you have an intrest in their life. If we want to be an effective leader we have to love the people we serve more than anything.
2 Nephi chapter 9 verse 3 is a scripture that I pray I will always remember as I read the Scriptures. Again Jacob is teaching from Isaiah, and has spoken many hard and plain things to the people of Nephi. And then he so beautifully teaches us, how to look at the harsh and plain words that have been spoken. "Behold my beloved brethern, I speak unto you these things that ye may rejoice and lift up your heads forever". The question is asked; what is it that drives you, fear or faith? The point I am getting at (and maybe its a strech) is that sometimes we get answers we dont want to hear. Sometimes we are taught principles that are very hard to accept. The scriptures sometimes speak very plainly and are direct and to the point. We may be called to repentence or given a law that is very difficult to accept. What we are taught is that the purpose behind it is not to bring us down, not to make us feal guilty, or unworthy. It is the exact opposite. The purpose is to bring us joy, to lift us up, to testify of the goodness of the Savior and draw us nearer to him. It is not ment to be fear that drives us, but love, joy, and peace. It is faith that will help you get past the fear, and lift up your head..forever.
There are many wonderful things I have learned in 2 Nephi, I hope these will somehow be of meaning to you. My dear friends, I know that the scriptures speak to each one of us in our own way. May your life be touched as you read the scriptures. I pray they will come alive as you read them, and that you will summit every day. The Book of Mormon is the Word of God, I know its true, and it testifys of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Turning of Hearts Because of the Word of God
Sometimes I think that it is difficult to do what is right. It's not necessarily that we do not want to make the right decisions, but sometimes we simply get distracted or forget our priorities for a little bit. I for one often am frustrated with myself because I know that I can do better. Today I read a passage which I have read many times, but have always applied it in the context of *trying to serve and teach others. However, today I realized that it has a great application to promoting righteousness for ourselves. In the verses leading up to this passage, Mormon tells about how the Zoramites had fallen into an apostate state. This apostasy caused Alma "great sorrow" (Alma 31:2). So here is what Alma decided to do:
How fantastic would it be if we immersed ourselves in the scriptures on a daily basis! I believe that when this happens, the distractions and forgetfulness that often lead to us not having the constant companionship would disappear. If we immerse ourselves in the scriptures daily, then the power of the word has a "powerful effect upon [our] mind[s]." I would suggest that “effect upon our minds” can impact our lives as it did the people of King Benjamin. After he finished speaking, the Spirit came upon them and changed their hearts such that they had "no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually" (Mosiah 5:2).
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How Exquisite!
In explaining his conversion to his son Helaman, Alma says "the very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror" (Alma 36:14). Clearly Alma had committed some pretty grievous sins as he went about openly trying to destroy the church of God. But I would suggest that the same torment should rack each one of us for so-called "minor" sins. Alma's father once asked the question, "can ye look up to God at that day with a pure heart and clean hands?" (Alma 5:19). Here Alma is speaking of the judgment day, but it is so important to remember "that day" is not after we die, it is TODAY! If we are not clean and pure today, then we are missing out on the blessings of the gospel. The Lord revealed to Joseph Smith, "every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am" (D&C 93:1). Why would any of us want to deny ourselves the blessing of being in the presence of the Lord. Again, this is not a blessing that will only come to us in the hereafter. If we are living pure and clean, then we can be given that privilege. In the Priesthood Session of the October 2008 General Conference, Elder Richard G. Scott said the following:
As we share these moments together, I ask you to ponder your personal worthiness to use the sacred authority you hold. I will also ask you to consider how consistently you use your priesthood to bless others. My intent is not to criticize but to help increase the benefits that flow from your use of the priesthood.
Are your private, personal thoughts conducive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, or would they benefit from a thorough housecleaning? Do you nourish your mind with elevating material, or have you succumbed to the enticement of pornographic literature or Web sites? Do you scrupulously avoid the use of stimulants and substances that conflict with the intent of the Word of Wisdom, or have you made some personally rationalized exceptions? Are you most careful to control what enters your mind through your eyes and ears to ensure that it is wholesome and elevating?
If you are divorced, do you provide for the real financial need of the children you have fathered, not just the minimum legal requirement?
If you are married, are you faithful to your wife mentally as well as physically? Are you loyal to your marriage covenants by never engaging in conversation with another woman that you wouldn’t want your wife to overhear? Are you kind and supportive of your own wife and children? Do you assist your wife by doing some of the household chores? Do you lead out in family activities such as scripture study, family prayer, and family home evening, or does your wife fill in the gap your lack of attention leaves in the home? Do you tell her you love her?
If any of you feel uncomfortable with any of the answers you have mentally given to the questions I have asked, take corrective action now."
However, the pain and torment that he described is only part of the story. Although necessary for the repentance process, we do not have to go on living our lives with the heavy burdens. We can repent and go on with our lives, ready to receive the blessings that the Lord has prepared for us; to enjoy his presence.
In the words of Alma, "there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains...on the other hand there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy" (Alma 36:21). This joy came only after Alma turned his heart to the Savior. The pain is necessary to humble us and pay the price for the wrong that we do, but it is just as important to remember that the pain of sin can be taken away when we learn to truly repent though the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Oblivion to Sin
Friday, May 8, 2009
Week-long vs. Weekly Renewal
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Slice of Cake and a "Mean daddy"
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Cheerfully Do All
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Fulfilled All
- Called the people to repentance according to his Vision, even in the face of their mocking and anger. (1 Nephi 1:18-20)
- Lehi packed up his family and left Jerusalem immediately after the Lord commanded him to so. Leaving everything behind. (1 Nephi 2: 2-4)
- Sent his sons back to Jerusalem to get the plates of brass from Laban. (1Nephi 3:2-4)It does not explicitly say so, but you can read between the lines and assume that there was a good chance they could have been killed in doing so. (see 1 Nephi 5: 1-2)
- Sent his sons back to Jersusalem to have Ishmaels family join his famil so that his sons could marry. (1 Nephi 7:1-3)